Roe Buck Hunting

ROE DEER (we have only free range bucks!)

  We know that roe buck hunting is something different...Many of foreign and Hungarian roe buck lovers are really excited during the season. For getting ready for it our professional guides go to the woods and fields every day to look for and observe the right buck for the enthusiasts who book for a roe buck on our hunting grounds. We do it because we understand the enthusiasm of theirs because we are also infected with it! In the season our guides work for that our guests could go home with full of exciting experiences and with the right roe buck trophy that suits for the requirements. 

We are proud that every year our foreign and local guest hunters can bag some outstanding bucks as well- even if our South-West Hungarian territory more known as fallow buck's and red stag's territory.

Because of our diverse hunting grounds every hunter can find the right buck - both the hilly and forest covered landscape lovers and the lowland agricultural landscape lovers.


 One of the great bucks from 2010 season


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