A beautiful unic fallow deer trophy from our Kisszékely hunting ground

Posted on 10/03/2019

This is the type of trophy what all hunters want to have, no doubt about it. The buck was healthy with no symptons of any disease. Congratulations for both the PH and the lucky client of Gyulaj Zrt for this great, special free range fallow buck! On the 19th of oktober, a hungarian hunter guest of ours bagged a fallowbuck wich is unic not only in Hungary, but we dont exaggarate when we say in the whole world. This trophy weighed 4,5 kg 24 hours after the boiling. When we have got it back from the authorities(trophy evaluation), we decided to make som pictures about this special trophy given to the photoshooting the circumstances,what this unic buty diserves. Now we share a couple of the photos, made on this occassion.

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